President Trump's CNN Town Hall (5/10/23) [FULL, "CLEAN", NO LIVESTREAM FAN-COMMENTARY, AND BETTER VISUAL QUALITY THAN FOX's REUPLOAD! — Officially Starts at 5:40] | The President Remains STRONG on the Fact That 2020 was Stolen!
Madonna Was a High Priestess Under Gloria Vanderbilt, She Tried to Run and Get Out, The Song Like a Prayer (and others) Came Out of That + GV Had Made a Box Depicting Madonna Self-Mutilating and Attempting Suicide + Madonna (The Real One) is Still in
DNI Ratcliffe's Letter, Hillary Clinton Approved Campaign Plan to Stir Up a Scandal Against Trump (Russia Russia Russia Hoax), HRC's Signature was Required, Implicates Brennan, Obama, Comey, Strzok, Bi-dan + The Swift Boat Project, Good Dog Show
LIVESTREAM –10/1/24– @ 9PM EST: ESOTERIC-STYLE #WatchParty for the Vance/Walz Drama! | NOTE: Started 20 Minutes Early with a Major Talk and a Viewing of a Clip to Address the” Twin Flame” Concept. | P.S. [Update] Vance Won!