1 month agoPart 2: How We Get the True Spelling and Pronunciation of Yahuah & Yahusha Ha’MashiachPLZBelieve
1 year agoV2K Relief + Tinnitus Relief / Campfire + Rainstorm + Pink Noise / Scatter Frequency ( 1 HOUR )Endure Until The End
1 year agoV2K, Gangstalking, Demons, DEW, Targeted Individuals Prayer for Hope & ProtectionEndure Until The End
1 year agoCombat Prayers to Crush the Adversary / The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feetEndure Until The End
1 year agoReceiving The Spirit of Adoption, Orphan Spirit Deliverance Prayer, Revoking Curse WordsEndure Until The End
1 year agoBreaking Blackmail, Guilt, Fear & Shame Programming, Trauma Based Mind Control & Doublebinds + MoreEndure Until The End
1 year agoSRA & DID Healing, Angelic Protection, Nullify Retaliation, Healing Parts & AltersEndure Until The End
1 year agoFamiliar Spirits, Dream Attacks, Demonic Altars - Destroying All Agreements & Covenants w/ FamiliarsEndure Until The End
1 year agoPrayer Against Winter Solstice Rituals, SRA & DID Healing, Come Against Pagan/Occult/Satanic RitualsEndure Until The End
1 year agoPrayer against EMF harassment, Radiation, DEW, Electronic Harassment, Fallen Angel Technology, Etc.Endure Until The End
1 year agoRemove & Defeat Leviathan in The Courts of Heaven, Leviathan Protocol, Overcoming PrideEndure Until The End
1 year agoPlacental Witchcraft, Generational Curses, Retrieving Our Blessings & DestinyEndure Until The End
1 year agoPrayer of Protection against Retaliation, Backlash, Revenge, Cult Reaccessing/ Cloak of InvisibilityNdor
1 year agoPrayer Against All Forms of Satanic Bondage / Generational Curses / Sexual Sins & Unclean SpiritsEndure Until The End
4 months agoTo Seekers of The Truth: The Hidden Connections of Yahuah, Yahusha, and The Fallen OnesPLZBelieve
6 months agoExploring The Divine Feminine: Yahuah, Yahusha, and The Sacred Connection in Lost Books.....(Part 2)PLZBelieve