1. Wait on his timing and seek him! #TrustHisTiming #PatienceInFaith #DivinePlan #Timing #GodsTiming

    Wait on his timing and seek him! #TrustHisTiming #PatienceInFaith #DivinePlan #Timing #GodsTiming

  2. Trusting the Process: Habakkuk 2:3 and the Power of Patience | #FaithJourney

    Trusting the Process: Habakkuk 2:3 and the Power of Patience | #FaithJourney

  3. Prayer, but wait for His timing!

    Prayer, but wait for His timing!

  4. Unlocking the Power of Romans 8:28 | Start Your Day with Inspiration

    Unlocking the Power of Romans 8:28 | Start Your Day with Inspiration

  5. Over talking God? #SilentFaith #PatientHeart #DivineGuidance #ListenToGod #SeekHisWord #jesus #god

    Over talking God? #SilentFaith #PatientHeart #DivineGuidance #ListenToGod #SeekHisWord #jesus #god

  6. Are your prayers NOT getting answered? Re-review your life! #faithinaction #jesus #god #faith #love

    Are your prayers NOT getting answered? Re-review your life! #faithinaction #jesus #god #faith #love

  7. Are your prayers NOT getting answered? Re-review your life!

    Are your prayers NOT getting answered? Re-review your life!

  8. Let Your Heart Find Peace in God’s Perfect Timing

    Let Your Heart Find Peace in God’s Perfect Timing