“L.A.W.”—Land, Air, and Water. FYI: 99.9% Who Want to Correct Their “Straw Man Status” aren’t Even CLOSE to Ready.. You’d be LOST Attempting to Wield Your Sovereignty. There’s Still Much to Self-Learn of That. | Aaron Abke and J-Griff
Amightywind Prophecy 84 "Beware of the Illusion!" "I have put what is a true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there" Plagues/evil Chris Angel/FEMA/Bio warfare/Poison Sky (some audio issues)
Pres. Trump saved millions of children from sex abuse! YAH SAID IT! 2020 Amightywind Prophecy 153 Excerpts Also warnings about Vaccines/Poisoned Air Food Water/5G/Schools!