Heaven Rains Fire | 20-MINUTES OF REVELATION - EP 10 | The 7 Seals: Part 8 - | Corona, Vaccine, 666, Mark of the Beast, End Times, Last Days, CBDC, 7 seals of Revelation, 4 horsemen
Pastor Mark Burns | “This Is Happening My Beloveds Because We Are Letting It Happen. We Can’t Come Here To Beautiful Places Like Trump Doral, And Shout And Wear Trump Gear But Then Go Back To Your Homes And Do Nothing.” - Pastor Mark Burns
The De-Creation of Heaven & Earth? | 20-MINUTES OF REVELATION - EP 08 | The 7 Seals: Part 6 - | Corona, Vaccine, 666, Mark of the Beast, End Times, Last Days, CBDC, 7 seals of Revelation, 4 horsemen
Who is the 144,000? | 20-MINUTES OF REVELATION - EP 09 | The 7 Seals: Part 7 - | Corona, Vaccine, 666, Mark of the Beast, End Times, Last Days, CBDC, 7 seals of Revelation, 4 horsemen