Joe Rogan & Elon Musk | 2/28/2025 Interview Highlights: Sex Robots, Grok 3 AI Girlfriend or Boyfriend, Artificial Intelligence, A Second Planet to Preserve Civilization, Genetically Engineered Super Virus, "I Am An Alien."
Joe Rogan & Elon Musk | 2/28/2025 Interview Highlights: Sex Robots, Grok 3 AI Girlfriend or Boyfriend, Artificial Intelligence, Having a Second Planet to Preserve Civilization, Genetically Engineered Super Virus, "I Am An Alien."
Dr. Judy Mikovits | What Is Messenger RNA? | History of mRNA? Messenger RNA is a type of single-stranded RNA involved in protein synthesis. + AI Generated mRNA Vaccines? CRISPR & Building a Second Immune System?
Flying Cars? | "(Roadster) It's Going to Have Some Rocket Technology In It. To Combine the SpaceX & Tesla Technology to Create Something That's Not Even Really a Car. Totally Jetsons Vibes. O-60 In Under 1 Second." - 3/18/2024
Dr. Stella Immanuel | What Did Elon Musk Say? "8 Billion People In the World. A Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Should Be $5-10K. 600 Second Surgery." - Musk (10/28/24) + Musk, Harari & Schwab On Same Page?
Elon Musk | "There Is 8 Billion People In the World. At Least a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery. You Sit In Chair & 600 Seconds Later You Have An Implant. " 10/28/24
Elon Musk | "In Order to Have Better Human / AI Symbiosis We Must Solve Bandwidth Problem. 8 Billion People In the World, a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Device Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery."
Elon Musk | "At Least a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery. I Would Recommend Iain Banks, the Culture Books. He Does Have This Concept of a Neural Lace." 10/28/24
Eric Trump | “I sit here today as a son. Forget about politics for a second. I’ve been in that courthouse w/ my father almost every day. This is lawfare while this state absolutely melts. This is not the same state we knew ten years ago."
Elon Musk | "To Have Better Human / AI Symbiosis We Must Solve Bandwidth Problem. 8 Billion People In the World, a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Device Should Be $5-$10K. The 600 Second Surgery." 10/28/24
Maui Fires | A Second Look At the Maui Fires | Why Was the Olinda Fire Ignited At Approximately 10:47 PM On August 7th 2023 At the Same Time CCP Satellite NORAD 53299 Was Flying Directly Above? + Revelation 13:13 & Revelation 16:12-14
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ!!! | Are We On the Verge of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? Why Are Interfaith Leaders Introducing New 10 Commandments from the Top of Mt. Sinai? (See Show Notes for FACTS & SCRIPTURES Referenced)
Yuval Noah Harari | "Harari Sees 21st Century As Having Two Major Agendas. 1st, Solve the Technical Problem of Physical Death So People May Live Forever. Second, Is to Massively Enhance Human Happiness." - John Lennox
Invasion | "Immigration Is Not Going to Stop, Nor Should We Want It To Stop. There Is a Second Thing In that Black Box, An Unrelenting Stream of Immigration, Non-Stop, Non-Stop." - Vice President, Joe Biden (February 17th 2015)