1. Rhema Oct 30, 2022... Jesus' Warning regarding Halloween 🎺 Do you want to cast your Lot with Satan?

    Rhema Oct 30, 2022... Jesus' Warning regarding Halloween 🎺 Do you want to cast your Lot with Satan?

  2. "God Touched" | Pastor Jim Bickel | Bethel Baptist Fellowship [SERMON]

    "God Touched" | Pastor Jim Bickel | Bethel Baptist Fellowship [SERMON]

  3. Feb 24, 2005 🎺 Remember the Sabbath and your God & He shall remember you

    Feb 24, 2005 🎺 Remember the Sabbath and your God & He shall remember you

  4. Dec 11, 2010 🎺 Flee Foolishness... What is most needful ?... Do not resist My Words

    Dec 11, 2010 🎺 Flee Foolishness... What is most needful ?... Do not resist My Words

  5. Dec 30, 2004 🎺 Tsunami Disaster 2004... Wake up and wail, for My Wrath & My Kingdom come

    Dec 30, 2004 🎺 Tsunami Disaster 2004... Wake up and wail, for My Wrath & My Kingdom come

  6. April 24, 2008 🎺 The Lord says... Let all on Earth partake of My Word and become silent!

    April 24, 2008 🎺 The Lord says... Let all on Earth partake of My Word and become silent!

  7. May 6, 2011 🎺 This Doctrine is a detestable Stain on the Garment of Truth

    May 6, 2011 🎺 This Doctrine is a detestable Stain on the Garment of Truth

  8. Jan 10, 2010 🎺 2 Days before the Earthquake in Haiti... The Lord says... The World shall be shaken

    Jan 10, 2010 🎺 2 Days before the Earthquake in Haiti... The Lord says... The World shall be shaken

  9. July 17, 2007 🎺 The Lord says... Against whom do they fight and rebel?... I have spoken and shall not repent

    July 17, 2007 🎺 The Lord says... Against whom do they fight and rebel?... I have spoken and shall not repent
