ONE A.I. TO RULE THEM ALL: Elon Musk Rightly Attacks Sam Altman’s $500 Billion "Stargate" Proposal After President Trump Meets With Lords Of A.I., + Oracle Co-Founder Larry Ellison Promotes Project's mRNA Cancer Vaccines!
Top Scientist Proves Every Major Vaccine Since 1992 Purposely Contains Deadly Cancer/AIDS Viruses—Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes What's Really Behind The COVID Tyranny!
The Legendary Scott Bennett, Former Army Intelligence Officer Turned Anti-War Correspondent Has Passes Away of Pancreatic Cancer [11/21/24] After Returning From Ukraine!
Louise Hay Told How Us We Can Heal Absolutely ANYTHING. Then She Got Vaginal Cancer! Did the Universe Betray Her? Or was the Universe Happening for Her, Rather Than to Her? | Includes a Meditation
♋️ CANCER ~ April 2024 🃏🎴🀄️ SPRING READING | April 2024 Readings are the Final Ones to Be Distributed So Widely Anymore Via Rumble. ALL Readings Will Now ONLY Appear on Locals. | #EndDays #DontWantYourSocialDisease
"If You’re Dealing with a..." [All 12 Signs] 🃏🎴🀄️ Late-January 2024 Tarot Reading (L🔴CALS EXCLUSIVE) | WE in 5D: I Broke My Rule.. I'm Leaving This Open Until I Decide What I'm Revamping in Our Locals Community.