Dr. Stella Immanuel | Pneumonia | Is A Massive Attack On Our Health & Wealth Around the Corner? Hospitals In Ohio & Mass Tracking Surge of Pneumonia Cases & China." - News Nation + FDA Approves First CRISPR / Gene Therapies to Treat Patie
Pneumonia | New Pneumonia Outbreak Or New Outbreak of Jack-Assery? | "Hospitals In Ohio & Massachusetts Are Tracking a Surge of Pneumonia Cases & Similar Outbreaks Are In China." - News Nation
Pneumonia | Is Scamdemic 2.0 Around the Corner In Time for Election Season? "Hospitals In Ohio & Mass Tracking Surge of Pneumonia Cases & China." - News Nation + FDA Approves First CRISPR / Gene Therapies to Treat Patients + Gilgamesh?
Pneumonia | Is Scamdemic / Pandemic 2.0 Around Corner Just In Time for Election Season? "Hospitals In Ohio & Mass Tracking Surge of Pneumonia Cases & Similar Outbreaks In China." - News Nation + FDA Approves First Gene Therapies to Treat
Jennifer Gross | “There Is A Saying, As Ohio Goes, So Goes The Nation. Where Do You Think We’d Be If Ohio Had Passed A Medical Freedom Bill?” - Jennifer Gross
Doug Billings | Why Is Biden Abandoning Ohio? Why Is James O’Keefe Being Pushed Out Of Project Veritas? + What Are the Updates On the Brunson Case? | “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” - Joe Biden
Springfield, Ohio, USA. A major train derailment has occurred in Springfield, OH near the Clark County Fairgrounds. A Large Hazmat and emergency responder presence is on scene.