World Economic Forum | WEF 2024 | "Bringing the Kind of Censors That People Have Become Accustomed To, But It Breaches the Final Frontier of Privacy, What People Are Thinking Feeling. Are You Tired? Are You Paying Attention?" - Nita Farahany
AirPods | "The Newest Way to Monitor Attention Is Through a Device Like This One (Ear Pods). You Can Discriminate Between the Kinds of Things They Are Paying Attention To." - Nita Farahany (World Economic Forum) | Mind Control
World Economic Forum 2023 Annual Meeting | "Using Consumer Wearable Devices Like EARBUDS We Can Pickup Emotional States, & Decode Faces That You Are Seeing In Your Mind." - Nita A. Farahany (Iranian-American Professor & WEF Member)
Nita Farahany (Duke U.) admits wearable brain scanners could be a "dystopia" or the best thing since sliced bread. Like most "futurists," she's willing to risk it. And if her dreams come true, your brain waves will be your biometr
EarPods | Why Were Earpods Invented? "The Future That Has Already Arrived. Using Consumer Wearable Devices & Earbuds We Can Pick Up Emotional States & Decodes Faces You Are Seeing In Your Mind." - Nita A. Farahany
Brain Transparency & CBDCs | "Is It a Future You Are Ready for? It's a Future That Has Already Arrived." - Nita A. Farahany (Futurist and Duke Professor of Law & Philosophy Speaking at the 2023 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting)
EarPods | Why Were Earpods Invented? "The Future That Has Already Arrived. Using Consumer Wearable Devices & Earbuds We Can Pick Up Emotional States & Decodes Faces You Are Seeing In Your Mind." - Nita A. Farahany
Brain Transparency & CBDCs | "Is It a Future You Are Ready for? It's a Future That Has Already Arrived." - Nita A. Farahany (Futurist and Duke Professor of Law & Philosophy Speaking at the 2023 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting)