1. Navey's MAGiC LAMB Song!! a Best Day Ever with Baby Navey and her Unicorn Lamb riding rainbow slides

    Navey's MAGiC LAMB Song!! a Best Day Ever with Baby Navey and her Unicorn Lamb riding rainbow slides

  2. CRAZY BABiES CARTOONS!! Adley Niko & Navey eat Baby Puffs and troll Dad into some Crazy Baby Fun!

    CRAZY BABiES CARTOONS!! Adley Niko & Navey eat Baby Puffs and troll Dad into some Crazy Baby Fun!

  3. PUPPY SURPRiSE for Adley & Niko!! Hiding pet puppies inside our house! Spacestation Arcade Party!

    PUPPY SURPRiSE for Adley & Niko!! Hiding pet puppies inside our house! Spacestation Arcade Party!

  4. DELiVERY DAD to the RESCUE!! Adley makes Valentines Surprises for neighbor Niko Navey and Mom

    DELiVERY DAD to the RESCUE!! Adley makes Valentines Surprises for neighbor Niko Navey and Mom

  5. DADDY DAUGHTER DATE Adley and Navey nail salon spa day with dad! then icecream & craft store

    DADDY DAUGHTER DATE Adley and Navey nail salon spa day with dad! then icecream & craft store

  6. BABY NiKO's PiRATE BOAT!! Crazy Babies Row down a Dino island Water Slide with Chuck, Adley & Navey!

    BABY NiKO's PiRATE BOAT!! Crazy Babies Row down a Dino island Water Slide with Chuck, Adley & Navey!

  7. CRAZY BABY FARM SONG!! Old Macdonald had a barn full of helpful babies Adley, Niko, and Navey EiEiO

    CRAZY BABY FARM SONG!! Old Macdonald had a barn full of helpful babies Adley, Niko, and Navey EiEiO

  8. Navey visits Adley's HAiR SALON Niko gets a Chameleon makeover & Dad has Cheetah make up by Adley

    Navey visits Adley's HAiR SALON Niko gets a Chameleon makeover & Dad has Cheetah make up by Adley

  9. WiNTER in the NEiGHBORHOOD!! Navey visits Adley & Niko for a fun SNOW DAY Neighbor Christmas Party

    WiNTER in the NEiGHBORHOOD!! Navey visits Adley & Niko for a fun SNOW DAY Neighbor Christmas Party

  10. RAiNBOW GHOSTS 3 - BABY ORANGE!! Adley & Dad save Mom! Navey and Niko help escape the Portal House!

    RAiNBOW GHOSTS 3 - BABY ORANGE!! Adley & Dad save Mom! Navey and Niko help escape the Portal House!

  11. 1976 My Pinoy Military Service

    1976 My Pinoy Military Service
