THE ORPHAN TRAINS: The Previous Great Reset (Correlated with The Tartarian Cover-Up) + Today's NPC's/Backfill People. | WE in 5D: You May Feel Sorrow for These Kids, But This Lineage is Very Possibly the Manufactured Soul-Compromised NPC's!
#TheBackfillPeople Can't Partake in Honest [Introspection (Not a Program of The Simulation)] Thus You'll Witness New Levels of Them “Leaving” as 5D Frequencies Rise and These LITERAL NPC's [and EVEN Unawakened Souls] Fail to Match it!
TARTARIA: The Pod People, The World's Fairs and Our Rich Hidden Past, Disney and Our Rich Hidden Future, The Previous Great Reset, The Pod People/Orphan Trains and NPC/Backfill People Connection, and Did We Shift to a Lower Timeline Centuries Back??
FULL: Donald Trump Interview on "Meet the Press" (9/17/23) | WE in 5D: ANOTHER Poor Choice by Trump to go on Non-Populous Media, with an NPC Railroading Interviewer Doing "What-Aboutism"; for NPC's by NPC's.
NPC’s/Backfill People Vs. Conscious Souls (AKA “Maverick People”), 5G Thinning Dimensions so That Non-Psychic People/Intuition-Lacking People Will Also Start Seeing Entities, and Much More! | David Icke Interviewed by Alex Jones (7/6/23)
Has Trump Traded in the Extra-Conscious Souls (Lightworkers/Starseeds) for the Christian Conservative NPC’s to Ensure Votes? In the End No One Wins without the Independent (Usually the Conscious Soul) Vote. Regardless, Cast Your Vibrational Vote First!
Not Only is He Speaking to the Middle Class, But He’s Speaking to the Extra-Conscious Souls That Many Feel Trump Has Traded in for Christian Conservative NPC’s. Anyway, Neither of These Men Have a Shot without the Independent Vote, and Each Other!
A Rothschild Speaks Out: Erin Rothschild Interviewed by Kerry Cassidy 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT | WE in 5D: FLASHBACK to What Quality Informational Interviewing and Investigative Reporting Looks Like When Camelot was Tip of the Spear! #VintageCamelot
STOP the REINCARNATION TRAP: The Afterlife, Quantum Travel, and The Annunaki Recycling Bin! (Isabella is a Starseed Volunteer Who Ended Up Getting Stuck Here) | Isabella Greene on the Passion Harvest Podcast
The 2024 [And Beyond] Positive Message I Received From My Guides Recently ➕ The Comments Section of This Channel, My Mistake with Kerry Cassidy, and My Invite to Have [You] LIVE on Video Call with Me to Broadcast Your Perspective! | WE in 5D