Fourth Industrial Revolution | RFK Jr Endorses Trump + Why Won’t 99% of the Media Discuss the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Who Is Peter Thiel? Does Bitcoin Rely On Highly Centralized Energy Companies & Internet Infrastructure?
Klaus Schwab Versus Elon Musk | Klaus Schwab & Elon Musk Discuss: Self-Driving Cars, Future of Money, Brain Chips, Universal Basic Income, a Carbon Tax, mRNA, & More + RFK Jr. Endorses CDV Vaccine Schedule
Sovereign Wealth Fund | Wins Everywhere! Trump Administration Announces the Creation of a Sovereign Wealth Fund & RFK Jr. Endorses the CDC Childhood Vaccine Schedule!
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Kennedy & Trump Teaming Up? Alex Jones Reporting “Sources Inside RFK Jr. Campaign Confirm He Will Drop Out Friday & Endorse Trump At LA Event Same Day” - 8/21/24 + RFK Jr. for Attorney General?
Yuval Noah Harari | "An Institution That Never Admits Mistakes Is a Very Dangerous Institution. Tenth Commandments Endorses Slavery. There Is An Endorsement of Slavery In the Ten Commandments." - 9/12/2024