2 months agoMax Kolonko: MOMENTS AGO Donald J. Trump sworn in as 47th President of the United States of AmericaMaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
5 months agoPoland Tusk's gov. bans US journalist Max Kolonko to stop him from running 4 PresidentMaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
4 months agoMax Kolonko - Poland's candidates for President....not a fake! Polscy kandydaci na Prężydęta- reports MaxTVGO.comMaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
1 year agoMax Kolonko: WTF Poland's illegal pres. Duda awards Ukraine's con artist ZelenskyMaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
1 year agoPresident of Poland Max Kolonko do Tuska: przegracie kolejne falszywe wyboryMaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
1 month agoMax Kolonko: Election Fraud in Poland-ONE To nie są “zbiórki podpisów" - a kradzież PESELI! -MaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
12 days agoMax Kolonko: Poland illegal “president” Duda calls on Pres.Trump to deploy nukes in Poland☠️MaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
4 months agoMax Kolonko- MaxTV: Poland MFA chief Sikorski: Polish president must have a Jewish wife - MaxTVMaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
2 months agoMax Kolonko -President of Poland and Polonia Happy New Year 2025 Poland!MaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
2 years agoMax Kolonko: Duda the fejk "president' of Poland TIME HAS EXPIRED -Davos- z MaxTVGO.comMaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
1 year agoPutin o Ukrainie i Max Kolonko on the word Ukraina - U-kraia -na skraju- on the outskirts of PolandMaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
23 days agoMaxTV: Watch how Zelensky's demeanor at WH changes as the drugs wear off.MaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
3 months agoPoland PM Tusk in a deadly embrace w. Zelensky in Lviv, 3rd largest city of pre-war Poland.MaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
1 year agoPoland's Pres. Max President Max Kolonko BANNED from Facebook with US Embassy's money - MaxTVGO.comMaxKolonkoPresidentofPoland
2 months agoMission Impossible - The Final Reckoning - Movie Trailer: Release 23 May 2025AFLIX TRAILERS