The True Nature of Donald Trump and Elon Musk — Matías De Stefano | WEin5D: Even These Truths CAN'T Undo the Karmic State That is Being a SUCKER for Trump (Undoing it is an Inside Job). The Dog WALKS MOST OF YOU, NOT the Other Way Around!
The True Nature of Trump and Musk + What is Love? — Matías De Stefano | WEin5D: Even These Truths CAN'T Undo the Karmic State That is Being a SUCKER for Trump (Undoing it is an Inside Job). The Dog WALKS MOST OF YOU, NOT the Other Way Around!
The 144 Coded Should Know This.. it's Time Now—REALLY! Your Twin Flame Lies within the 6D Version of You; + The 0D, and WE in 5D Regurgitates This Info to Help Further Inner-Standing! | Matías De Stefano's YouTube Channel in Description ⬇
Dimensions 1 – 7 Explained in Detail Initially by Way of Explaining 7D, Prospective Attestation to Your Remaining Physical Until 7D, Understanding “Timelines” + Meditation! — Matías De Stefano
Higher Dimensional Sexuality/Sensuality + The Physical Nature of Gender, and an Ending Meditation. | Very Sophisticated Information Likely Extremely Uncomfortable for Most! — Matías De Stefano
8D/The 8th Dimension (Where "The Future" is, Where The Akashic Records Lie, Where Readers Peek into in Order Reveal Your Potential Timelines as You Take Each Step into Your Personal Evolution—or “Future”) | Matías De Stefano
Origins of “Relationships”, Kingdoms, Pedophilia, Monogamy (Not That it’s Bad) + Why Relationships Repeat (w/ Same or Different Person), and a Meditation. | Very Sophisticated Info Likely Extremely Uncomfortable for Most! — Matías De Stefano