Jessie Czebotar Exposes The Global Luciferian Brotherhood (aka the Illuminati), How it is Structured, How it Operates, The Horrific Ways that the Brotherhood Profits From Children etc. + Kingdom Living, Q&A
The Halloween Ritual with Kanye West, Marilyn Manson & Justin Bieber + Jessie Sent Kanye a Message About Getting Out of the System, She Received No Reply (Is Kanye Really Out?) + High Up in the System + The Use of Energy in Rituals
Tattoos, Masonic and Satanic Symbolism + Marilyn Manson Has Somehow Stayed Completely Silent on His Supposed Deliverance + Ye, Variant of Ja, Representation of God + Final Song on Kanye's Album Happens to Be Called Sunshine, Jessie's Ritual Name
The 4 P's: Phoenix, Priest, Prophet, Pindar. Obama is Now the Phoenix Having Taken George Soros' Position, Prophet, Muslim Brotherhood, Priest, Israel, Pindar, Level 100 Mason, Finances
Generational Curses, Fairly Easy Problem to Solve: Pray, Confess Sins (Personally and/or Generationally) and Ask to be Cleansed + Baphomet Hand Sign, As Above So Below
When Will the Lawless Ones Appear? + 3x3-Year Periods, The Book of Revelation + Project Looking Glass, Nothing Was Seen Beyond the Year 2024, At Least Nothing on Earth + 1,000 Years of Peace
9th Circle, Royals, Famous People like Christopher Lee & Jimmy Savile, Human Hunts, Jesuits, Homeless + Silence Breaks Forth Into Song (article series by Cathy Fox, links in the video description below), Certain Ritual