BRICS | "The Dollar's Days At the World's Reserve Currency Are Quickly Coming to An End." - Lynette Zang (Lynette Zang | Lynette Zang has held the position of Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002)
Gold | Gold Price Hits An All-Time High, But Why?! "Nations Buying Gold At a Record Rate." - Mark Moss + "If China & Russia Start Trading In Yuan Or Ruble Rather Than U.S. Dollars, It Will Be Worse Than the Great Depression."
Hyperinflation | Is Hyperinflation Found In Revelation 6:5-6? + The History of the "PETRODOLLAR" Explained | "Over 70% of All $100 Bills In the World Are Actually Outside of U.S. If Oil Starts Trading In Non Petrodollars, It Will Be Worse T
CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are a Tracking Tool. The Dollar Standard Globally Is No Longer Being Respected. China & Russia Are Trading Oil In Rubles. Four Years Ago This Would Have Be Unimaginable." - Maajid Nawaz (4/27/2023)
CBDC | South Africa President | Dollar Collapse | "In Order to Avoid the Consequences of the Sanctions. Let's Walk Away from the DOLLAR. When Russia Is Trading with China, There Is No Reason to Use the DOLLAR."
BRICS | "BRICS PAY HAS BEEN LAUNCHED. This New Financial Settlement Platform Is Going to Change the Volume of Trade & the Volume of Transactions Between the BRICS Members. Those Transactions Will Not Be Denominated In U.S. Dollars." - 10/18/