Cannibalism and Cannibal Restaurants, "Green Consumption", Somerset Belenoff's Daughter, Are the Bodies Really Dead and if so for How Long? + Marina Abramovic, Spirit Cooking Events
James Comey, His Daughter and the Jeffrey Epstein Case + Bill Barr, Experience of Intelligence Community Operations, White Hat, Black Hat or Gray Hat? + Q, The Hunt For Red October, Torpedo and Manoeuvring the Submarine Toward its Path
Beyoncé Music Video, Spirit (The Lion King), Tree of Life, Mother, Life Coming From Her + Circle with a Dot in the Middle, Alchemical Symbol for Fire (in Water) + Form of Magick with Mother and Daughter + Mask, Ceremonial Covering, Obama
Beyoncé Music Video Decode, Spirit (The Lion King), Dress is Like Female Parts, Priestesses of Delphi with Water Imagery, Goddess Trinity with her Daughter + Earth Birthing Her, Beyoncé as a Goddess
Pink Music Video Decode, All I Know So Far, Feminine Energy, Cher (Dark), Coming into Her Position + Pink's Mother (Light), Could Be Indicating the Light Side of the System + Daughter, Fire