Florida State University: Preaching To The Masses And Eventually A Small Crowd Gathers As I Deal With A Gnostic Heckler -- At First The Crowd Is Generally Mocking And Then Sobers As The Holy Spirit Works
Louisiana State University: "Christians" Defend Their Sin, Skeptics Attack the Bible, I Preach the Gospel of Jesus and The Apathy of the Students Shatters!
Montclaire University: 3 Young Men Eager To Be Preachers Are Offended When I Rebuke A Loud Mouthed Jezebel, I Stomp On the Koran, Minister To A Humble Roman Catholic Student, Martin Seeks How To Be Born Again -- HUGE VICTORY IN JESUS!!!!
University of Florida: Humble Christian Asks About My Preaching Methods, Homosexual Waves Trans Flag In Front of Me, I Contend With A Talmudic Jew About the Messiah, Preaching to Hundreds and Hundreds The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Stony Brook University: Rebuking A Wicked Black Woman & Her Devilish Cohort, Police Move Me 3 Times, A Porn Addicted Jew Receives My Exhortation to Read Daniel 9 To Confirm Yahshua of Nazareth As Jewish Messiah, I Sing Out Three Different Worship Song
Florida International University (Miami): Heckler Demands To Know What Makes the Bible Special, I Prove the Bible True, Mocking Jew Eventually Takes Gospel Tract, A Few Sincere Christians Encourage Me, A Great Day of Preaching Jesus to the Masses
Florida Atlantic University: Lots of Curious Students, Muslim Asks Me Why I Reject Islam, I Rebuke A Wicked Student Who Calls Apostle Paul Demonic, A Lively Day of Preaching Jesus!
University of West Florida: Several Sincere Christians Encourage Me & Ask Great Questions/Advice, A Double Minded False Christian Comes Under Conviction, I Rebuke A Hypocrite Toward The End But Overall Lots of Fruitful Conversations
Florida Atlantic University: 4-5 Really Good One-On-One Discussions with Curious Students, Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Hundreds, Some Mockers But Also Lots of Fruitful Discussions
Mississippi State University: After Preaching Only 30 Minutes My Vocal Cords Crack and Break, I Lose My Voice, Explain to One Student about Judging, Pass Out Lots of Gospel Tracts, Warn Students Of Antichrist Trump and Approaching 7 Year Tribulation
Northern Kentucky University: A Lively Large Crowd As I Contend With a Witch, Some Atheists, A Few Hypocrites, Some Muslims, But Also Some Very Good Questions, Passed Out Lots Of Tracts, Police Kept Things Orderly, A Great Day Of Preaching Jesus!
Eastern Kentucky University: One of THE BEST DAYS I've Ever Had On Campus, Very Civil Crowd, Great Questions, Most Hecklers Very Respectful, Handed Out Lots of Gospel Tracts, One Jezebel At The End Needed A Firm Rebuke But Other Than That Great Day!
University of Maryland: At 36 Minute and 40 Second Mark, A Humble Roman Catholic Student Approaches Me & We Have A 45 Minute Conversation -- ONE OF THE BEST INTERACTIONS W/ A STUDENT I HAVE EVER HAD IN MY LIFE!!!!!
West Virginia University: Two Sincere Christian Students, Jordan and Kala, Eagerly Agree to Hand Out 100's of Gospel Tracts, I Convince Kala Not to Vote Tomorrow, I Warn The Campus About The Antichrist Trump & The Coming 7 Year Tribulation