Why Did These Events All Take Place In 1971? World Economic Forum Began, Nixon Took U.S. Off the Gold Standard, U.S. Allows Abortions, Rules for Radicals Written & Dedicated to Lucifer, the Pope’s Builds Snake Head Shaped Building (See Citations)
Mark of the Beast | Is It Coming? Are We Witnessing the Fulfillment of Daniel Chapter 2, Revelation Chapter 6, Revelation Chapter 13, Mark Chapter 13, Matthew Chapter 24 & Luke Chapter 24? Who Is Lucifer? Where Did Lucifer Come From?
Alice Bailey | Who Is Alice Bailey? What Was Alice Bailey's 1957 Prediction for America In the Year 2025? Why Did Alice Bailey Start the Lucifer Publishing Company?
Lucifer | Was Lucifer Actually In Control of Music In Heaven? Ezekiel 28:13 Is the Music Industry Satanically Inspired? + What Is the REAL Agenda Behind Hollywood? Where Did the Word "Hollywood" Come From? + Matthew 16:26