Kristen took a COVID JAB Bioweapon and soon after had severe convulsions, facial numbness, inability to control her head. She goes to hospital and doctors ask her to leave because there’s nothing they can do
How Young Global Leaders Are Selected - Hendricks & Struggles select the puppets, recruit and train them then install in positions of power. Yet, people still wonder how they get politicians to fall in line with the agenda.
Australian Senator Alex Antic Warning: Government is ramping up plans for a social credit score future with the official release of "Smart Cities" Communist Australia on the horizon
BREAKING: CDC to "Investigate" Link Between Strokes & COVID-19 "Vaccines" 🤣 "The CDC is now saying there have been enough cases of people who have received the vaccine and then suffered a stroke"
World eminent Cardiologist Prof.Abdullah Alabdulgader calls for suspension of mRNA jab because of cardiac harm concerns - *President of The international congress for advanced cardiac sciences *Founder of Prince Sultan Cardiac Center/Saudi Arabia
(LOOK @ HIS SMILE) Monique was able to give Trudeau a piece of her mind. I just got off the phone with her she’s been waiting so long to say this to him. #TrudeauForTreason #Bioweapons 💉💉💉