2 years agoNWO Died suddenly (2022) Morte súbita by Stew Peters - Agenda 2030 - Legendado PT-BR (2022,11,27)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoEleições 2022 Brasil Guilherme Fiuza (20 Domingo,Revista Oeste) Brasileiros nas Ruas ! (2022,11,21)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoNWO Died suddenly (2022) Morte súbita by Stew Peters (1980,US) Agenda 2030 - RESET (2022,11,22)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoDied suddenly (2022) Morte subita by Stew Peters - Agenda 2030 - RESET (1980,US) TRAILER - PT-BR (2022,11,22)Entering the rabbit hole
1 year agoChemical Industry - Documentary (2016) Poisoned Lives - Du Pont - Dow (ENDEVR - 2021,4,18) 2023,1,8Entering the rabbit hole
1 year agoMonoPoly (25 September, 2021) MonoPólio by Tim Gielen - Who owns the World ? PT-BR (2023,1,14)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoWEF COVID-19 Event 201 (October 18,2019 NY,US) Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Oil - RESET - PT-BR (2022,11,13)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoZeitgeist (2007) The Movie by Peter Joseph - EN PT-BR (2022,11,20)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoCOVID-19 Vaccinate children (17,1,2022) Defeat the Mandates - Robert Malone,MD - PT-BR (2022,11,18)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoNWO - NOM - MKUltra - Project MockinBirg - InfoWars - Vaccine - Sars-CoV-2 - GOS (2022,11,22)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoElections 2022 Brazil Was Stolen - A Bug's Life (1998) Truth Warrios BR - PT-BR (2022,11,20)Entering the rabbit hole
1 year agoCEO of Pfizer (Albert Bourla) Vaccine - COVID-19 - Davos - World Economic Forum by Rebel News - PT-BR (2023,1,18)Entering the rabbit hole
1 year agoCOVID-19 Ivermectin - Dr. Paul Marik (1958,South Africa) Big Pharma 2022,10,25 PT-BR (2023,1,21)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoNWO COVID-19 - Robert Malone - Vaccine - Control - Censorship - Depopulation - PT-BR (2022,11,24)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoEleições 2022 Brasil Prazer, eu sou O SISTEMA ou melhor a DITADURA ! Clau de Luca (2022,11,12)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoEleições 2022 Brasil Paulo Figueiredo - TSE - Urnas eletrônicas (Os Pingos nos Is) 2022,11,22Entering the rabbit hole
1 year agoJair Bolsonaro (22,4,2020) População ARMADA ! Sem ARMAS e DITADURA ! (2023,1,14)Entering the rabbit hole
1 year agoPresidenteQueFaz ! Oh Ninho, Venha cá ! Ministra da Educação de Lula (2023,1,18)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoEconomic Freedom 1st Annual Summit in the European Parlament (2018 April 20) by Gloria Alvarez (2022,11,17)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoEconomic Freedom 1st Annual Summit European Parlament (2018 April 20) by Gloria Alvarez - PT-BR (2022,11,17)Entering the rabbit hole
1 year agoCOVID-19 - Vacina - Virus - fake vacine - Sars-CoV-2 - Medo - BioWeapon (13,1,2022) PT-BR (2023,2,4)Entering the rabbit hole
2 years agoDe La Servitude Moderne (2007,2009) Da Servidão Moderna by Jean-Francois Brient - Dubbed (2022,11,20)Entering the rabbit hole
1 year agoGeert Vanden Bossche (MD,DMV,PHD) Do not vaccinate your children ! PT-BR (2023,2,10)Entering the rabbit hole
1 year agoMarie Curie (M. Salomea Skłodowska–C.,1867-1934,Poland) - Documentary (2011) FR y PT-BR ☢️♫Entering the rabbit hole