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1 year agoThe rooster and the hen were stunned on the spot! The gentle kitten takes good care of the chicks🐥pets funny globe
1 year agoThe rooster and the hen were stunned on the spot! The gentle kitten takes good care of the chicks🐥Animals Funny Videos - Hilarious Animal Clips Guaranteed to Make You Laugh
1 year agoThe rooster and the hen were stunned on the spot! The gentle kitten takes good care of the chicks🐥WILDDAILY22
1 year agoThe rooster and the hen were stunned on the spot! The gentle kitten takes good care of the chicks🐥Mian310
1 year agoThe rooster and the hen were stunned on the spot! The gentle kitten takes good care of the chicks🐥chikeaditya1
1 year agoThe Hen Surprised! Kittens Know How To Take Care Of Chicks Better Than Hensabdulrazaqbhatti
12 days agoMOC Farm Animals Building Blocks City ChickenCoop Hen House Toys DIY Blocks ReviewAE Wizard Review
1 year agoI Am Amazed! Experienced Kitten Teaches Rooster And Hen To Take Care Of Chicks!abdulrazaqbhatti
1 year agoHens are known for their nurturing behavior towards their chicks but cat, funny love, short videoAlwaysFunnyAnimal
1 year agoThe hen was surprised 😯😨!the kitten take care of his chicks better than he................Daily Entertainment Dose
1 year agoThe hen was surprised!Kittens know how to take care of chicks better than hens.Cute andinteresting😊Top Shorts