Israel | The Biblical Significance of War In Israel | It's All Unfolding Like th Bible Said It Would!!! Zechariah 12, Luke 21 Matthew 24, Mark 13, Gog, Magog, United Nations, One World Gov, Mark of the Beast, China, Russia, Palestine, etc.
Israel At War | Gog & Magog Started?! (GOG = Prince / Ruler or The Head + Magog = Modern Russian) | Israel Declares War Against Hamas (After Hamas Deadly Terrorist Surprise Attack) | Iran Chants Death to America | Will This Usher In the Messiah?
Canada's Pastor Pawlowski Out of Prison & Rejoins the ReAwaken Tour Miami, FL (Oct. 13-14)! + Special Interview w/ Pastor Pawlowski by Mel K + Israel At War | Gog & Magog Started?! (GOG = Prince / Ruler or The Head + Magog = Modern Russian)
USA Warns Iran, False Armageddon & Ezekiel 38 Gog-Magog War, Red Heifer Rehearsal Yesterday in Jerusalem, Earthquakes Keep Popping Off, If Trump Loses Election Does That Mean He Is Not The Antichrist???