Jim Caviezel | Jim Caviezel Drop Truth Bombs About: Central Banks, George Soros, Adrenochrome, Mel Gibson's Involvement In Editing His New Film "Sound of Freedom", Child-Trafficking, Biden's Presidency, The Rothschilds, Etc.
CBDCs | "Bad News!!! SWIFT Payment System Announced They Are Setting Up a CBDC Platform Coming Out In 12-24 Months." - George Gammon (3/27/24) + "FED Says the US Should Return to the Gold Standard" (3/27/24)
Dr. Jane Ruby | Are Republican Members of Congress Invested Remdesivir? Are Republic Members of Congress Invested In the Renal-Failure Causing-China-George-Soros-And-Gilead-Lab-Connected Remdesivir?
George Soros | "We Need People Like George Soros Who Is Fearless & Willing to Step Up When It Counts." - Hillary Clinton (2004) | "A Decline of the Dollar Is Necessary. China Will Emerge As Motor Replacing the U.S. Consumer." - Geo
Gold | "Gold Standard Is Coming Back." - Forbes "Everyone Should Own Gold. I Don't See It As An Investment. I See It Is Insurance." - George Gammon (Investor) + Is Gold More Liquid Than Home Equity? Using Gold to Buy Things?
BRICS | "The Small Local Banks Are About to Fail. The Banking Sector Is In Real Trouble" - Clayton Morris + "You've Got This Switch Right Here & No More BTFP Come March 12th of 2024, And Surely Means a CBDC." - George Gammon
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Are Mask Mandates & Lockdowns Coming Back? George College Reinstates Mask Mandates & Physical Distancing - Washington Examiner (Aug 22, 2023)
General Flynn | Is the U.S. On the Verge of Entering World War 3? | 11 Urgent Updates Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Iran, Hezbollah, BRICS, De-Dollarization & the Possibility of World War 3 | Did General George Washington’s Prophecy World Water 3?
Leigh Dundas | "If George Washington Could Cross the Delaware River In the Middle of a Snow Storm With Fewer Than 1% of the Colonists Supporting Him And Win a War Then We Have a Mandate from God to Do So!" - Leigh Dundas
Dollar Collapse | "A Decline of the Dollar Is Necessary. China Will Emerge As Motor Replacing the U.S. Consumer." - George Soros (2009) Dollar Collapse Imminent? Lockdowns Coming Back? "The COVID-19 Vaccines Cause AIDS!" - Dr. Zelenko
Evan Sayet | The Moment You Begin Thinking You Are No Longer a Liberal | Comedian & Conservative Speaker + Was George Carlin Trying to Expose the Great Reset? How Does Bill Gates Reduce His Carbon Footprint?
Dollar Collapse | "A Decline of the Dollar Is Necessary. China Will Emerge As Motor Replacing the U.S. Consumer. There We Be A Slow Decline In the Value of the Dollar." - George Soros (2009) + Soros Explains Why He Confiscated Property from the
George Soros | "AI Is Particularly Good At Producing Instruments of Control That Help Repressive Regimes And Endanger Repressive Societies. COVID-19 Also Helped Legitimize Instruments of Control." (May 24th 2022 | World Economic Forum)
President Trump | President Trump ReTruthed the Following Video Calling Out Elon Musk, Ron DeSantis, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Dick Cheney, Adolf Hitler, the Devil, & The FBI!!!