General Flynn & Dr. Simone Gold | What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? "Artificial Is Not a Tool In Our Hands. It Is An Agent. It Has a Potential to Change Every Area, Finance, Military, Religion." - Yuval Noah Harari (9/9/24)
Yuval Noah Harari | "You, Have Now Sold 65 Million Books. It's a Remarkable Situation." - Squawk Box | "A.I. Is a Not a Tool In Our Hands. It Is An Agent. It Has a Potential to Change Every Area, Finance, Military, Religion." - 9/
Peter Thiel | "Peter Thiel's Palantir Wins $100 Million U.S. Contract for A.I. Targeting Tech" - Yahoo! Finance (September 19th 2024) + Who Is Peter Thiel & Why Did He Fund J.D. Vance's Political Career?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Millions of AIs Will Be Taking Decisions In Everything from Finance to the Military. In Reality It Is Still Humans Pulling the Trigger. But, Increasingly It Is the AIs That Choose the Targets." - December 6th 2024
CBDC | "You Can Now Pay for Your Panera Sandwich With the Palm of Your Hand. The Restaurant Chain Partnering with To Test Its Palm Reading Technology." - Yahoo! Finance (March 26th 2023)
Peter Thiel | "Peter Thiel Was One of the Main People That Financed J.D. Vance's Venture Capital Firm & Bankrolled His Senate Run. J.D. Vance Is Essentially a Peter Thiel Made Man." - Whitney Webb | Who Is Peter Thiel?
Yuval Noah Harari | "No Human Being, No President, Nobody In the Central Bank Understands Finance Anymore Because A.I. Has Made It Too Complicated, Could Lead to Power Shifting from Humans to Algorithms."
Peter Thiel | "J.D. Vance As We Know Him Today Wouldn't Exist Without Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel Started His Venture Capital Career, Financed His Political Campaign & Was a Major Donor to Start J.D. Vance's Venture Capital Firm."