SATAN | How Common Is Satanism In America Today? Are Katy Perry, Lil' Nas X, Sam Smith, Christian Bale, Black Jack, Lil Uze, Island Boy, Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Hollywood, the Music Industry & Target Intentionally Advancing the Satanic
ART | Is ART Being Used to Advance Satanism In America Today? Are Katy Perry, Lil' Nas X, Sam Smith, Christian Bale, Black Jack, Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Hollywood, the Music Industry Intentionally Advancing the Satanic Agenda?
Doja Cat | SHOCKER!!! Doja Cat's New Song "Demons" Is Demonic, Hollywood Is Satanic & Many Celebrities Have Done Unspeakable Acts In Route to Achieving Their Goals of Fame & Fortune (Featuring Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Katie Perry)?
Senator Bob Hall | “We Have To Accept Our Responsibility To Write What Is Being Done Wrong To Us By Those That Are Leading Us In The Wrong Path.” Senator Bob Hall
SATAN | How Common Is Satanism In America Today? Are Katy Perry, Lil' Nas X, Sam Smith, Christian Bale, Black Jack, Lil Uze, Island Boy, Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Hollywood, the Music Industry & Target Intentionally
Senator Bob Hall | "If You Will Not Fight When You Can Easily Win Without Bloodshed, If You Will Not Fight When Victory Is Sure And Not Too Costly, You May Come To The Moment When You Have To Fight With All The Odds Against You"
Doja Cat | SHOCKER!!! Doja Cat's New Song "Demons" Is Demonic, Hollywood Is Satanic & Many Celebrities Have Done Unspeakable Acts In Route to Achieving Their Goals of Fame & Fortune (Featuring Bob Dylan, Beyonce, Mel Gibson, Jim Cav
Senator Bob Hall | “It’s Time To Get Prayed Up, It’s Time To Stand Up, To Speak Up, To Act Up And I Can Promise You I Will Never, Ever Quit This Fight.” - Senator Bob Hall