Don’t Worry, Be Happy | There Is Nothing to Worry About Other Than These 10 HORRIFIC Things Including: mRNA In Our Food, Food Vaccines, Gene-Editing In the COVID Shots, the Collapse of the Dollar, The Chinese & Russian Air Forces...
Exposing The Pfizer Lawfare & Doctors "New Evidence" Of DNA Contamination Of Mrna "Vaccines" PSYOP Leading To Setting The precedence For Human Genome Editing Laws!
Dr. Paul Marik explains the dangers of a buildup of spike protein in the body, from inflammation to autoimmune disease. “The spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen.”
Brain Control Weapons | "U.S. Intelligence Shows That China Is Using Advanced Technologies Like Gene-Editing and Brain Control Weapons to Advance Its Military and to Control Dissent." - FOXNEWS + Special Rewind Interview Eric Trump and Vanessa C