CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Not Currencies. CBDCs Are a Financial Transaction Control Grid. You Can Have Your Money Turned Off." - C. Fitts + "It's End of the Dollar, Wiping Out Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds."
Digital Passports | Mark of the Beast System | Is the W.H.O. Digital Health Certificate Coming Soon?! Is BRICS Announcing Expanded Membership & the Introduction of a Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency Soon?! - Harari, Blair & Tedros
General Flynn | “Banks Are Going to Start Denying People Use of Their Money.” - General Flynn + "The Government's Digital Currency They Are Working On?" - Post Malone "I Think That's Checkmate. That's Game Over."
CBDCs | "Accelerating the Pace & Hopefully Campaigning Enough So That We Can Not Put to Bed, But Put to Reality This Digital Euro. The Deadline for Us Is Going to Be October of 2025." - Christine Legarde (President of ECB)
CBDCs | "And Then When You Combine It With the Digital ID, The Surveillance & the Artificial Intelligence What Is Now Being Developed. You Realize They Are Building a Prison Planet & We Are the Prisoners." - Alex Newman
Carbon Tax | What Is a Carbon Tax? How Will a Carbon Tax Impact Your Life? "My Top Recommendation Would Be to Just Have a Carbon Tax." - Elon Musk + Carbon Taxes & Digital ID Control Grid 101
Stablecoins | "A Stablecoin Is a Digital Dollar. It's Already Being Used All Over the World...It Looks to Me Like Stablecoin Is Going to Be the Future of the U.S. Dollar. You Can Stop It. You Can Control It...See Who Sent What to Whom."
Elections | "Digital Technologies Mainly Have an Analytical Power, the Next Step Could Be to Go Into a Prescriptive Mode, You Do Not Even Have to Have ELECTIONS ANYMORE." - Schwab + Why Are Musk & Schwab Encouraging Brain Chips?