2 years ago#Darth Dawkins showing his #Apprentice the Ropes * Scientist gets #Booted !! #clubhouse #KJVINTJ_INTP
2 years ago6 April 2022 Darth Dawkins * Redefine Living-Sam * Ton Loc * JRobin * Theo Azaria * #NotaRepeat #KJVINTJ_INTP
2 years ago{ Pt 3 } #clubhouse #Darth Dawkins & #Matt Slick * #CARM * #KJV * #Atheist #AtheismINTJ_INTP
2 years ago@V Ξ K L #Jack_Angstreich #John_Lee @Tom Rabbittt #clubhouse on #Racism & #Darth DawkinsINTJ_INTP
2 years agoDarth Dawkins & #JRobin on ' There're No #Rational #Atheist exists on #Clubhouse * #KJVINTJ_INTP
2 years agoJohn Lee The #Darth Dawkins * #clubhouse * #OneNess v #Trinity * #Atheist Attack *INTJ_INTP
2 years ago19 June 22 @Praise I AM ** #Darth_Dawkins @DrKennyRhodes UNofficial Getting #Backstabbed #SHOCKER!!🦆INTJ_INTP
2 years ago#Darth_Dawkins & #Ton_Loc Ref:- Lack of belief #Atheism is #Incoherent. ** #KJV ** #AtheistINTJ_INTP