COVID Vaccines | "The Pfizers (Vaccines) Are Full of SV40...What We Put Into Mice to Help Them Grow Tumors So We Could Pour Chemotherapy Into Them to See If It Worked for the Tumors." - Professor Angus Dalgleish
General Flynn | Flynn & Clay Clark Join X22 to Discuss: CBDCs, BRICS, Dedollarization, Great Rest, Bird Flu, COVID, Mpox, Mosquito-Born-Diseases, Trump 2024 & Will X22 Disclose Identity At Oct 18-19 Selma, NC ReAwaken!
Kristen took a COVID JAB Bioweapon and soon after had severe convulsions, facial numbness, inability to control her head. She goes to hospital and doctors ask her to leave because there’s nothing they can do
Marlena Hackney | Legal U.S. Immigrant, Entrepreneur & Proud America, Marlena Hackney Shares What It Is Like to Live Under Communist Control & Why She Refused to Comply With the COVID-19 Lockdowns & Mandates
COVID Vaccines | Do the COVID Vaccines Change Your DNA & Humanity Itself? "With the mRNA Vaccines They Have DNA In Them. This DNA Hangs On With mRNA In That Lipid Nano Particle." - Doctor Joseph Ladapo (The Surgeon General of Florida)
During last night’s Senate hearing into our COVID 19 Vaccine Discrimination Bill representatives from Moderna couldn’t provide the numbers of serious adverse reactions from their COVID mRNA injection.
Ralph Baric | What Does Patent US-7279327-B2 Exist (Methods for Producing Recombinant Coronavirus)? Why Was Remdesivir Used As the Recommended COVID-19 Treatment?