Catherine Herridge will be reporting from inside the courtrooms of the military trials at GITMO/Trump targets Biden-era social media ‘censorship’ /President Trump Revokes Security Clearances of ALL 51 ‘Spies Who Lied’ and Former NSA Advisor John B
CBDCs | Central Bank Digital Currencies | "If You Listen to the Central Bankers They Try As Hard As They Can to Stay Away from These Conversations." - Catherine Austin Fitts
General Flynn Explains CBDCs | Why Do Steve Forbes, Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson and Catherine Austin Fitts Use the Following Words to Describe CBDCs? “Frightening, Chilling, Mark of the Beast & Surveillance Under the Skin.”
(Wed 1:50pm) Live! LARGEST Election Security Zoom Call with Steve Stern, Raj Doraisamy, General Michael Flynn Captain Maureen Bannon Catherine Engelbrecht and more!
CBDCs | "FTX Was a CBDC Marketing Strategy. How Are You Going to Market Slavery?" - Catherine Austin Fitts + "What Is CBDC Actually Going to Look Like? It Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Werner
CBDCs | "Vaccine Passports, If It Snaps Into Place with an All Digital Financial System Including CBDCs, At That Moment There Will Be No Hope of Building Anything." - Catherine Austin Fitts