CBDC | "Will BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Back Their New CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Reserve Currency to GOLD? + "It's the End of the U.S. Dollar System. The End Is Near for the Dollar." - Rob Kiyosaki
Dollar Collapse | "The Banking Crisis Is Just Beginning. Yesterday, the Saudis, Brazil & China Enter Into a Deal Where the Petrodollar Is Over. That's Means a DOLLAR COLLAPSE. That Means We Become Venezuela." - Glenn Beck (3/30/2023)
One World Government | Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva | "What's Why Brazil Has Been Investing In the New Global Governance." + "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Healthcare System
CBDC | "Brazilian President Lula (Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva President of Brazil) Has Defended the Creation of a Common Currency Amongst the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) Nations." - April 14th 2023
The Great Reset | Why Did the Brazil Carnaval 2023 Mock Jesus Christ? Why Did Yuval Noah Harari State, "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari (Klaus Schwab Advisor) + Why Is the CERN Logo 666?
The Great Reset | The Great Reset, BRICS & De-Dollarization Explained + Why Have Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa Been Hoarding the Earth's Gold for the Past 16 - 17 Years?
De-Dollarization | BRICS PAY HAS BEEN LAUNCHED!!! China & Brazil Have Complete First Bilateral Trade Using Local Currency | "De-Dollarization Trend Will Continue." - John Pang (RT News) + "What's Going to Happen?" - Robert Kiy
One World Currency | Kim Clement's Daughter & Kim Clement's Widow Jane Clement Discuss the LOOMING ONE WORLD CURRENCY Being Pushed By BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa)
BRICS | Is BRICS On the Verge of Destroying the U.S. Dollar with the 5R Currency System (Rand, Ruble, Rupee, Renminbi, & Rand)? The Connection Between w/ BRICS, the Great Reset, CBDCs and the Internet of Bodies?