They are still telling eachother that its the "mark of the beast" and "moderna gave them a demon field" in the form of a "Bioweapon" this is why education & Terminologies are so very important!
None of you have Defined the Bio-Cyber Interface-eHealth 6G Biodigital Convergence Healthcare 4.0. - Maria Zeee & HOPE @Infowars misrepresented ITU Ian F Akyildiz PANACEA-IoBnT Interface as 'Mark of the Beast, worn on right hand'
NOT "CRAZY" JUST VERY OBSERVANT! See the description for Videos Webinars By one of the most famous scientists in the field of telecommunications, Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz
Nano‐bio Interface and Intrinsic Bioactivity of Biomimetic Nanoparticles: Dr. Ennio Tasciotti, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Nanomedicine, Institute for Academic Medicine, Director Center for Biomimetic Medicine