The medical establishment fail to grasp the severity of their situation. Either they show us the data they claim they had showing the shots were safe and effective, or they committed crimes against humanity and violated the Nuremberg code.
Footage from within a U.S funded bio lab in a recently liberated city in the Donbas. Please share this as this is clear evidence of western multinational big pharma conducting inhumane experiments which are crimes against humanity!
This is a crime against children, this is grooming, this is evil of the highest calibre. UN / WHO agenda 2030 Rutgers is funded by Gates. Based in Netherlands. «Vaxines» and «healthcare»
THIS CAN BE STOPPED PEOPLE!! STOP YOUR COLLABORATION!! Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: Weaponized 5G Pulsating Microwaves Caught in the Act While We Are ALL Sleeping! THE CRIME CAUGHT ON NEXRAD