2 years agoLove and Truth | Beloved El Morya | The Coronation of St GermainRemembering I AM and The Ascended Masters
2 years agoEl Morya: God-Government Is the Requirement of the Hour!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoEl Morya Sends a Ray into Ukraine; Understand the Challenges of This TimeThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 months agoStory of a Disciple’s Query of His Master on His Remaining Karmic DebtsThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
3 years agoMaster the Art of Forgiveness - Teamwork Is the Byword of Aquarian InitiatesThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
1 year agoLady Master Nada: Fanning the Flame of Divine Love to Save the YouthThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoReading from Dannion Brinkley’s Book, Secrets of the Light, Chapter 10, Truth #1The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
3 years agoThe Elohim Proclaim a New Era of Freedom, Liberty and LoveThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoSanat Kumara and Lady Venus: Sharing the Venusian Love to Raise All in Aquarian Joy!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoMother Mary Comes to Empower Us Further in Our Sacred MissionsThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoMerge through the Mystical Union with Your God-PresenceThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoBlue Angels Matter! Violet Angels Matter! All Angels Matter!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoThe Sacred Bonding of Our Hearts, Minds and Wills with GodThe Hearts Center CommunityVerified
2 years agoSaint Germain: Safeguarding Our Spiritual Heritage and Rights Now!The Hearts Center CommunityVerified