Yuval Noah Harari | The Algorithm Said Don't Give This Person a Loan. The Algorithm Goes Over Enormous Amounts of Data and Finds Patterns of Reliable and Unreliable People
Yuval Noah Harari | "HAIR (The Movie) Is Spot On. What Happens When There Is an Algorithm That Really Understands Your Personality? What Kind of World Is It When Computers and Objects Understand You Better Than the People In Your Life?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "When You Talk About Algorithms Taking Over, Algorithms Actually Gather More Power to Themselves. All of the Important Decisions Are Taken By the Algorithm."
Yuval Noah Harari | "When You Talk About Algorithms Taking Over, Algorithms Actually Gather More Power to Themselves. All of the Important Decisions Are Taken By the Algorithm"
Yuval Noah Harari | Banking | "The Algorithm Said Don't Give This Person a Loan. The Algorithm Goes Over Enormous Amounts of Data and Finds Patterns of Reliable and Unreliable People."