Joe Rogan & Elon Musk | 2/28/2025 Interview Highlights: Sex Robots, Grok 3 AI Girlfriend or Boyfriend, Artificial Intelligence, A Second Planet to Preserve Civilization, Genetically Engineered Super Virus, "I Am An Alien."
Joe Rogan & Elon Musk | 2/28/2025 Interview Highlights: Sex Robots, Grok 3 AI Girlfriend or Boyfriend, Artificial Intelligence, Having a Second Planet to Preserve Civilization, Genetically Engineered Super Virus, "I Am An Alien."
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Losing Control of the World to Something Else, to An Alien. AIs, They Are a Type of Alien Intelligence. They Don't Come from Another Planet of Course. We Create Them On This Planet." - 12/8/2024
Klaus Schwab | The Internet of Bodies Agenda | "Prison Planet, This Is What They Are Building." - Pastor Billy Crone + Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution, Rise ofFourth Reich, Brain Chips, Eugenics & Rise of the Nephilim?
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Never Saw Any Evidence for That (Higher Power). If There Is, It's Not Doing a Good Job. If There Is Some of Higher Power Taking Care of Everything, It's Not Taking Very Good Care of People On This Planet."
CBDCs | "Once the Central Bank Digital Currencies Link to All of Your Credit Cards & Bank Accounts, Then Social Controls Can Be Implemented. t Is Literally A Prison Planet." Ed Dowd (Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager) + BRICS & CBDCs Ex
General Flynn, Eric Metaxas & G. Edward Griffin | "The Sobering Reality Is Evil Exists & It Exists All Around Us. It's About Freedom & We're the Last Bastion of Freedom On the Planet. They Want to Enslave Society. You Are Going
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "Elon Is Great. That Guy Is Such a Great Guy. He Is From a Different Planet. He Is the Greatest Guy. He Gave Me the Nicest Endorsement. You Should Do the Same Thing Joe."
BlackRock | Why Did President Trump TRUTH Out “Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes Is Fantastic?” Is BlackRock’s Asset Buying A.I. Is the World’s Most Powerful Entity On the Planet? Dr. Fauci 2.0? Why Did Moody’s Just Cut Ratings of 10 U.S. Banks?