Yuval Noah Harari | "Most Legal Systems Are Based Upon This Belief In Human Rights, But Human Rights Are Just Like Heaven And Like God, It's Just a Fictional Story We Have Invented. Homo Sapiens Have No Rights." - 12/8/14
Yuval Noah Harari | "Human Rights Are Just Like Heaven & Like God, It's Just a Fictional Story That We've Invented & Spread Around. Homo Sapiens Have No Rights. Take a Human, Cut Him Open, You Don't Find Any Human Rights."
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Probably One of the Last Generations of Homo Sapiens. You Won't Be Able to Survive If You Are Disconnected from the Net Because Your Own Immune System Depends On Being Constantly Being Connected to the Network."
The Great Reset | Klaus Schwab Says, "When You See the Book of Professor Harari Homo Deus..The New Technologies Will Change (Humans) Us. It Is the Fusion of the Physical, Biological and Digital Worlds."
Yuval Noah Harari | "There Were Some Interbreeding Between Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals. Between 1% and 3% of Our Genetic Code Comes from Neanderthals."
Yuval Noah Harari | "There Were Some Interbreeding Between Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals. Between 1% and 3% of Our Genetic Code Comes from Neanderthals."
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Probably One of the Last Generations of Homo Sapiens. You Won't Be Able to Survive If You Are Disconnected from the Net Because Your Own Immune System Depends On Being Constantly Being Connected to the Network"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Do You Ever Feel Like a Homo Deus & To Follow In the Footstep of Jesus Doesn't Mean to Say I Believe That Jesus Christ Is the Savior. So You Believe In Jesus Christ, So What"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Do You Ever Feel Like a Homo Deus?" | "To Follow In the Footstep of Jesus Doesn't Mean to Say I Believe That Jesus Christ Is the Savior. So You Believe In Jesus Christ, So What?"