2 years ago@BENNYKEYZ lawsuit threats to @Ernie Shell ⚡️🐅 clipped from@Nikalina777 enjoySynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years ago@GENERAL AWARENESS calls Fire Dept for confirmation as @Ernie Shell ⚡️🐅 LIES again to his subs!SynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years agoARCHIVE: @Ernie Shell ⚡️🐅 gets Questioned by @Tina “Kachina” Simerly July 24 2022SynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years ago@Ernie Shell ⚡️🐅 lying to his subs....AGAIN CAUGHT.....You people need to wake upSynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years agoAdonis Paul said what really happened in @Ernie Shell chat the other daySynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
5 years agoLivestream: Resizing/Trimming 30-30 Win. Range Cases with Redding Comp Shell Holders and WFT76HighboyReloading
11 months ago20. How To Finish Druzy Resin Pieces w/ Acrylic Paint Pens - Varnish, Glitter, Alcohol Ink TutorialBeautyInTheBroken
2 years agoARCHIVE OCT92022 Ernie Shell interviewed by @Nickalina777 @realgeneralawareness & the p3n1s pumpSynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
1 year ago223/556 Reloading, Redding T7, Competition shell holders, ARguns1776 Live stream!ARguns1776
2 years ago@Ernie Shell ⚡️🐅 making threats towards Harlan & Everets LE (deleted live)SynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years ago@Gatchaman TV puts @Ernie Shell ⚡️🐅 down with factual words!! And a thank you GatchamanSynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years agodude @Ernie Shell why are you so degrading of women!?!?! I'm actually scared for this TiffanySynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years ago@The Stand gloves off on Ocean Lover @Ernie Shell ⚡️🐅 @MAGA Country🇺🇸SynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years ago@The Stand this is DISGUSTING justifying SA/gRApe of a 12 year old girl @Ernie ShellSynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years ago@Rescue Our Children Ernie Shell rage quits on @HITTMAN BENNYKEYZ panel 4-6-22SynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years ago@Ernie Shell Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest. Please get into a psychiatric hospital. You're not okaySynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years agohey @MAGA Country🇺🇸 control your pet @Ernie Shell ⚡️🐅 he's deranged again 10-12-22SynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years ago@RGS REALGREATSTYLES is being premoted by @Ernie Shell ⚡️🐅 *EXPOSED*SynfulMediaUndertonesVerified
2 years ago@Ernie Shell Confused/Tazed & Arrested 6-20-22 for resisting @Predator Hunter Nation shame on youSynfulMediaUndertonesVerified