1. Evening Reading & Reflection- “The Work of the Holy Spirit” (John 16:5-15) “THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH”

    Evening Reading & Reflection- “The Work of the Holy Spirit” (John 16:5-15) “THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH”

  2. DAY 36: “POWERLESS” - (Judges 16:20)- “Subdue the Flesh”

    DAY 36: “POWERLESS” - (Judges 16:20)- “Subdue the Flesh”

  3. DAY THIRTY: “The Difference Your Life Can Make” (James 5:19-20)

    DAY THIRTY: “The Difference Your Life Can Make” (James 5:19-20)

  4. Morning Verse of the Day- (James 5:13-15) "FAITH & HEALING"

    Morning Verse of the Day- (James 5:13-15) "FAITH & HEALING"

  5. DAY 39: “DELIVERED INTO YOUR HAND”- (Joshua 10:8)" Nothing Can Snatch Us Out of the Hands of Christ"

    DAY 39: “DELIVERED INTO YOUR HAND”- (Joshua 10:8)" Nothing Can Snatch Us Out of the Hands of Christ"

  6. “Trusting The Lord for Basic Needs”- “Thoughtful Planning vs Anxiety” (Matthew 6:25-34)

    “Trusting The Lord for Basic Needs”- “Thoughtful Planning vs Anxiety” (Matthew 6:25-34)

  7. DAY45: “Put Away Evil (Deuteronomy 22:21(b))- See My Notes for a Correction.

    DAY45: “Put Away Evil (Deuteronomy 22:21(b))- See My Notes for a Correction.

  8. DAY 65: “The Judgement Seat” (2 Corinthians 5:10)- Paul’s Prayer of Deification” Technical Problems

    DAY 65: “The Judgement Seat” (2 Corinthians 5:10)- Paul’s Prayer of Deification” Technical Problems

  9. My Journey Through the Covid Plandemic

    My Journey Through the Covid Plandemic

  10. This type of pre is the best

    This type of pre is the best

  11. "Verse of the Day" - (John 1:5)- "Beware of Spiritual Ignorance"

    "Verse of the Day" - (John 1:5)- "Beware of Spiritual Ignorance"

  12. Unlock Your Potential: David Goggins | Ultimate Motivation for Work & Study

    Unlock Your Potential: David Goggins | Ultimate Motivation for Work & Study

  13. DAY 63: "HUMBLE YOURSELF" (Luke 14:11)- A True Leader Lowers Himself- And Is Merciful in Victory"

    DAY 63: "HUMBLE YOURSELF" (Luke 14:11)- A True Leader Lowers Himself- And Is Merciful in Victory"

  14. DAY 70: "FAR BE IT FROM ME"- (1 Samuel 12:23) "It All Starts with God's Mercy!!!"

    DAY 70: "FAR BE IT FROM ME"- (1 Samuel 12:23) "It All Starts with God's Mercy!!!"

  15. DAY 58: "THE MEEK" (Matthew 5:5)- "Take Ahold of Christ's sacrifice and Victory on The Cross."

    DAY 58: "THE MEEK" (Matthew 5:5)- "Take Ahold of Christ's sacrifice and Victory on The Cross."

  16. Evening Reading: LAZINESS: DEAD END ROAD- (Proverbs 6:7-16)

    Evening Reading: LAZINESS: DEAD END ROAD- (Proverbs 6:7-16)

  17. Everybody not out to get you (Take A Chance) Put the work in 2 get your Blessings "part 1"

    Everybody not out to get you (Take A Chance) Put the work in 2 get your Blessings "part 1"
