The Mini-Munsters (1973 Animated TV Special) | Cynthia Adler, Bobby Diamond, Ron Feinberg, Henry Gibson, Al Lewis, Richard Long, Arnold Stang, Jack DeLeon. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Elvira's Haunted Hills (2001 Full Movie) | Comedy-Horror/Satire | Cassandra Peterson, Richard O'Brien, Mary Scheer, Scott Atkinson, Mary Jo Smith, Heather Hopper. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 (1987 Full Movie) | Horror/Indie Film | Michael Ironside, Wendy Lyon, Justin Louis, Lisa Schrage, Richard Monette. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
( -0584 ) Lahaina Fire Coverup - No Water For Firefighting b/c Water Pumps Emptied of Fuel? - Josh Green & Lahaina Mayor Richard Bissen Must Be Sacked.
Dark City (1998 Full Movie) | Sci-Fi/Thriller [Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City"] | Rufus Sewell, Jennifer Connelly, William Hurt, Kiefer Sutherland, Richard O'Brie, Ian Richardson.
The Last House on the Left (1972 Full Movie) | Horror/Indie Film | 🚨 WARNING: Unrated | Sandra Peabody, Lucy Grantham, David A. Hess, Fred Lincoln, Jeramie Rain, Marc Sheffler, Eleanor Shaw, Richard Towers. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Prom Night II: Hello Mary Lou (1987 Full Movie) [WIDESCREEN] | Horror/Indie Film | Michael Ironside, Wendy Lyon, Justin Louis, Lisa Schrage, Richard Monette. | #HappyHalloween 🎃