ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “tongue” - In the "knowledge of a foreign language.”In 16c.-16c. in the classical revival the Tongues (or the Three Tongues) were Hebrew, Greek, Latin.🕎Acts 2;1-17 KJV
#108 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: How We Lost America & Allowed 2 Million Children A Year To Be Raped 10-15 Times A Day - It's Time To Take Back Our Country, Elections & Save God's Children Since They Are NO LONGER For Sale!
Leila Centner | “Are You Here To Create A Legacy For The Children Who Have No Voices Yet? There Is No Coincidence That You Are Here Right Now Listening To This, Your Soul Has A Purpose.” - Leila Centner
Mike Lindell | “They Didn’t Beat Us, We Kept Going, We Kept Our Voices, Our Voices Were Heard. That Is Why Events Like This Are So Important.” - Mike Lindell