3 years agoThe Australian Public Health Act Authorizes the Military to Distribute 'Poisonous' Vaccines... WTF?Global Agenda
3 years agoJoe Biden is a Hypocrite For Calling Out Turkey's Genocide of Armenians As China Gets a Free PassGlobal Agenda
3 years agoAbsolute Interference - The Jimmy Kimmel Crackhead Interviews: Rob Ford vs Mike LindellGlobal Agenda
4 years agoModerna Claims a Healthy 39 Year Old Mother + Comedian Eugenio Derbez Schools Dr. Fauci On VaccinesGlobal Agenda
3 years agoOntario Premier Ford Tells Toronto He Will 'Use Force' To Pull People From Their Home To Get JabbedGlobal Agenda
4 years agoJohn Sullivan Arrested: He Was Still Calling For Trouble (ANTIFA & Boogaloo) in 50 Cities on 1/17/21Global Agenda
3 years agoThe New COVID Gestapo: Israeli Police Take a Baby From an Apparently COVID 'Infected' HomeGlobal Agenda
2 years agoTucker Carlson Discusses Ashley Biden's 'Diary From Hell' and Why Did Joe Take Showers With Her?Global Agenda
3 years agoUrgent Announcement: COVID-19 is Caused By Graphene Oxide Introduced By Several Ways Into the BodyGlobal Agenda
3 years agoWar in Afghanistan: Three Big Lies Led to Thousands of Death's Now Biden Has Blood On His HandsGlobal Agenda
3 years agoGreta Thunberg Calls Out a Drunk Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden Over Obama's 'Build Back Better' PlanGlobal Agenda
3 years agoBlack Hawks Gone: Oopsy, Joe Biden Left a Fleet of Attack Helicopters For the Taliban in AfghanistanGlobal Agenda
2 years agoWiltshire, UK - Home to the Knights Templar Pedophile Cops, Crop Circles, UFO's and StonehengeGlobal Agenda
3 years agoChaos in Afghanistan: How Joe 'Lying' Biden's 'Black Hawk Down' Moment Will Shape His LegacyGlobal Agenda
3 years agoJustin Trudeau Announces His 'Build Back Better' Election Campaign as Haiti Needs to 'BBB' - Again!Global Agenda
4 years agoClosure: Tiffany Dover is Resting in Peace - We Have the (Now Since Scrubbed) ReceiptsGlobal Agenda
4 years agoUNLISTED After Only 24 Hours: The White House Pulls Joe Biden's Inauguration Video - Bad RatingsGlobalAgenda
4 years agoDid Donald Trump Really Take Air Force One to Switzerland or Was it Really a Reverse Truther Hoax?Global Agenda
3 years agoCNN and Inside Edition Owe Joe Rogan an Apology: The Pfizer Vaccine Has Killed Healthy TeenagersGlobal Agenda
3 years agoWas the 1976 Swine Flu Mass Vaccination Ritual a Trial Run For the 2020 Wuhan Flu Vaccination Psyop?Global Agenda
3 years agoWatch a Magnet Stick to This Ladies Arm After She Took the Pfizer Jab. (This Confirms NanoBots)Global Agenda
3 years agoTrudeau on the Brink: Canadians Appear to Be Fed Up With His 'Build Back Better' Pandemic PoliciesGlobal Agenda
3 years agoMr. Biden, Did Canadian Soldiers Die in Vain as You Now 'Cut and Run' From the Afghanistan War?Global Agenda