4 months ago"Eliminated" YAHYA SINWAR = JESUIT ORDER? They Keep You Distracted from Mother of All Conspiracies!Liberty TV
4 months agoWARNING: They Can Use OptoGenetics/Electronics to Make People Spin & Die or "Own Nothing & Be Happy"Liberty TV
4 months ago2016 DIRE WARNING HAS COME TRUE: Cellphone Towers Can Be Weaponized! Be Prepared or Be Exterminated!Liberty TV
6 months agoPEER-REVIEWED STUDY: Millions of Self-Assembling Nanotech Entities in COVID-19 Jabs | Karen KingstonLiberty TV
6 months agoDIRE WARNING! MAIN PLAN OF AGENDA 2030/21: Depopulate, Modify and Control the Human Race!Liberty TV
5 years agoRelaxing Celtic Music - Land of the Elves | Relaxing, Sleep, Peaceful ★92Windvale's Music by the Fiechters
6 months agoThe World Is a ROMAN Circus to Keep You Preoccupied and Distracted from the NWO Cabal & True CosmosLiberty TV
6 months agoSHOCKING: Planets Are Not What They Told Us! It's Time to Learn the True Cosmos! More Info in Desc.Liberty TV
6 months agoAl-Biruni, Moon Crater & AE Map EXPOSED: The Jesuits Are Masters of Deception in Science & HistoryLiberty TV
9 months agoCAUTION: "Blue Dot" Rebels (Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers/WHO/UN, etc.) Might Be Taken to FEMA CampsLiberty TV
8 months agoCan the NWO Cabal Track, Target and Control Flat-Earthers via Flat-Earth Apps? Use Your Discernment!Liberty TV
7 months agoIs There a True Flat-Earth Map? | Austin Witsit vs. Better KAW, Dr. Amandha Vollmer, VoC, FEN & LTVLiberty TV
7 months agoJames Irwin and Apollo 15 Moon Landing Hoax | Bill Kaysing | The Moon Is NOT SOLID! See Description!Liberty TV
7 months agoTHE TRUE COSMOS: Join the True-Cosmos Movement Before It Is Too Late for Mankind ! Read the Desc. !Liberty TV
7 months agoDownload the Core Evidential Videos on Local Sun, Plasma Moon & Flat Earth for Safekeeping & SharingLiberty TV
7 months agoCYBERATTACK ALERT: Banks Worldwide May Be Attacked as Part of the AI-NWO Plan for Digital ID & CBDCLiberty TV
7 months agoIn 2020, NWO Great-Reset Puppet Klaus Schwab Warned of Cyberattacks - Learn How to Counterattack !Liberty TV
6 months agoTruth Seekers, WATCH OUT! Disinformation Agents (Controlled-Opp.) Tell about 95% Truths and 5% Lies!Liberty TV
6 months agoGREAT REVIEW OF WORLD MAPS: Google Map, Mercator Map, AE/Gleason Map, German Map and Plasma-Moon MapLiberty TV
6 months agoMore Lands Revealed after Correcting the Slightly Concave Plasma Moon | Divergent & Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
6 months agoIn 1965, a Real Scientist, Professor Among R. Foster, Stated That the Moon Is Plasma - NOT SOLID !!!Liberty TV
6 months agoGOOD/BAD YOU DECIDE: Donald Trump Announces Elon Musk Will Head Audit of "Entire Federal Government"Liberty TV
6 months agoBEWARE! NWO/Globe/Gleason Gatekeepers Mislead and Distract You from the Plasma-Moon Flat-Earth MapLiberty TV
6 months agoUS ELECTION 2024 - HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Who Actually Runs the US Government? | Tulsi Gabbard and RISELiberty TV
6 months agoAsteroids, Solar Storm, Outer Space and Globe Earth Do Not Exist! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Run NASA!Liberty TV