2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul; OT Chan - 027- Secureteam10 Lost in Gravity Waves + other UAP Vid AnalysisThe Out There Channel
3 years agoFraud UFO Proof FAILs bigtime and TPOM Melts down over LUEs Rejection ] - OT Chan Live-412The Out There Channel
3 years agoNazi's on the Moon-UFO web videos from Secureteam10 + TPOM Breakdown by Paul ] - OT Chan Live-406The Out There Channel
4 years agoSaturday Live UFO Topics & Vid Analysis - Thirdphaseofmoon suppressed this+MUFON] - OT Chan Live#317The Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --055- Secureteam10 Disinfo Agent JWST UAP + Pauls Ghost Stuff July 2022The Out There Channel
4 years agoPauls UFO video analysis and Topics - TR3b+TicTacs - Recycled and misleading ] - OT Chan Live#376The Out There Channel
4 years agoMid-Week (USA Tues) A Night with Earl Grey - UFO cases and Topics ] - OT Chan Live#323The Out There Channel
2 months agoWhat You Need To Know About UFO's (UAP) - The Ontology, Clif High and the Galactic FederationThe Cosmic Busker
4 years agoMid-Week (USA Wed) Live UFO Topics & Vid Analysis - DOT UFOs+Mars Pyramids+GLARE] - OT Chan Live#300The Out There Channel
4 years agoSaturday UFO videos breakdown with Paul - UTAH monolith+Orb Man+Strike Upd ++ ] - OT Chan Live#346The Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --092- Did Secureteam really admit to Faking + Pauls Ghostcam latestThe Out There Channel
4 years agoSaturday Live UFO Topics & Vid Analysis - Aussie UAP + MUFON vid CatchUP.] - OT Chan Live#304The Out There Channel
4 years agoSaturday Live UFO Topics & Vid Analysis - TicTac Fravor Lying? + MUFON cases] - OT Chan Live#325The Out There Channel
3 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul; OT Chan - 008 - (NZ) Sunday Roasting Fraud Chans disinfo seems unstoppableThe Out There Channel
4 years agoMid-Week (NZ Wed) Live UFO Topics & Vid Analysis - UK UAPs+TPOM vids+MUFON Cases] - OT Chan Live#306The Out There Channel
4 years agoPauls UFO video analysis and Topics - MUFON cases Continued - ReTry Part2 +TVEB ] - OT Chan Live-379The Out There Channel
4 years agoMid-Week (USA Wed) Live UFO Topics & Vid Analysis - S4 Revisited - Did Bob Lie ] - OT Chan Live#316The Out There Channel
3 years agoUpdates Radiation and UFO vid Catch Up! - UFO and Space Topics - OT Chan Live-441The Out There Channel
2 years agoLive UFO chat with Paul --076- Grand Canyon Ancient Entrance Lies + Ukraine invisible UAPsThe Out There Channel