1. Low Level Lasers, Safest, Most-Effective, Healing Tools Around!

    Low Level Lasers, Safest, Most-Effective, Healing Tools Around!

  2. Fenuseeds! Revolutionary New Food Product: Protein, Fiber, Grain Free, Gut Health, Clinical Studies!

    Fenuseeds! Revolutionary New Food Product: Protein, Fiber, Grain Free, Gut Health, Clinical Studies!

  3. Shawn is feeling strong and stamina with Epic-T addition…

    Shawn is feeling strong and stamina with Epic-T addition…

  4. FX405 1 Treatment Challenge! Old weight lifting injury… Shoulder feels better after 1st session!

    FX405 1 Treatment Challenge! Old weight lifting injury… Shoulder feels better after 1st session!

  5. Health Food Stores? Are your Supplements/Vitamins/Minerals Toxic, or Nourishing?!

    Health Food Stores? Are your Supplements/Vitamins/Minerals Toxic, or Nourishing?!

  6. Releasing our own testosterone example, and how the mechanisms work with Testosurge/Epic-T!

    Releasing our own testosterone example, and how the mechanisms work with Testosurge/Epic-T!

  7. Research/Facts: Accidents, injury, pain, forward head posture, thyroid, drugs, posture!

    Research/Facts: Accidents, injury, pain, forward head posture, thyroid, drugs, posture!

  8. Research/Facts: Pregnancy, Pediatrics, Chiropractic, Drugs, Medical Intervention, Development, Fever

    Research/Facts: Pregnancy, Pediatrics, Chiropractic, Drugs, Medical Intervention, Development, Fever

  9. Athletes, Brain Health, Chiropractic, Medical Intervention, Performance, Prevention, and Neurology

    Athletes, Brain Health, Chiropractic, Medical Intervention, Performance, Prevention, and Neurology

  10. Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Mary’s Success!

    Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Mary’s Success!

  11. Dr. Harrigan Interview with Erchonia Lasers, and staying busy during Lock Down

    Dr. Harrigan Interview with Erchonia Lasers, and staying busy during Lock Down

  12. Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Jim was a skeptic too!

    Synergy Wellness Testimonial - Jim was a skeptic too!

  13. Body Composition! Test not Guess, Weight Loss, Cellular Health, Electrolytes, Hydration, Fat, Bone!

    Body Composition! Test not Guess, Weight Loss, Cellular Health, Electrolytes, Hydration, Fat, Bone!

  14. Synergy Wellness - What is a Laser Blitz?

    Synergy Wellness - What is a Laser Blitz?

  15. How, Who, What, Where, Why! What areas benefit from Lasers?! Well, all of them…

    How, Who, What, Where, Why! What areas benefit from Lasers?! Well, all of them…

  16. Never too late to start getting healthy! Excuses we hear often... Too old, too late, it’s “genetic”!

    Never too late to start getting healthy! Excuses we hear often... Too old, too late, it’s “genetic”!

  17. The MOST Impactful Purification Program we have ever offered, by my Mentor Curt Hamilton!

    The MOST Impactful Purification Program we have ever offered, by my Mentor Curt Hamilton!

  18. Max Pulse Testing, EKG, Cardiovascular Health and Prevention explained by Dr. Tim Harrigan

    Max Pulse Testing, EKG, Cardiovascular Health and Prevention explained by Dr. Tim Harrigan

  19. Epic-T Journey: Increased Stamina, Better Workouts, More Energy!

    Epic-T Journey: Increased Stamina, Better Workouts, More Energy!

  20. What is Vitamin E Good For? [Benefits, Best Foods, Skin, Sources]

    What is Vitamin E Good For? [Benefits, Best Foods, Skin, Sources]

  21. Let's get real! CHEAP, or HARMFUL? Nutritional Formulas TRUTH

    Let's get real! CHEAP, or HARMFUL? Nutritional Formulas TRUTH

  22. Symptoms are NOT the Problem! WE have been conditioned by Big Pharma!

    Symptoms are NOT the Problem! WE have been conditioned by Big Pharma!
