Deutsche Bank | "Why Is Deutsche Bank So Powerful That They Can Literally Control the Courts of Law?" - Reiner Fuellmich + The History of Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, the Young Global Leaders, Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger
Yuval Noah Harari | "What Will Happen to Politics In Your Country When Somebody In San Francisco or Bejing Knows the Entire Medical and Personal History of Politician, Every Judge and Journalist In Your Country"
Fake Science | "Humans Are Animals. The Bible Is Not the History of Humanity. It's Just a Story That Humans Invented 3,000 Years Ago." + "Humans Are Now Hackable Animals...Free Will, That's Over." - Yuval Noah Harari
Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism | All This, They Are Just from the Past 3,0000 Years. It's Yesterday Morning In Terms of Human History. We Are Talking About People That Lived 50,000 Years Before the Bible, Before Jesus