General Flynn | General Flynn Calls for an Intellectual Debate Between Alex Jones, Truth Tellers & Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates & the World Economic Forum Self-Proclaimed Elites (Listen to Full Conversation - See Show Description)
Marina Abramović | What's the Connection Between Marina Abramović, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, The Crystal Wall of Crying, Crystal Oscillators, 5G, CERN, Shiva, Spirit-Cooking & Bill Gates?
Marina Abramović | Why Did Volodymyr Zelenskyy Name Abramovic As An Ambassador to Ukraine? What Is the Connection Between John Podesta, Spirit-Cooking, Hillary Clinton, Aleister Crowley, Lady Gaga, Bill Gates, Kim Kardashian, & Jay-Z?
The Great Reset | "The Current Vaccines Are Not Infection Blocking, They Are Not Broad So When New Variants Come Up You Lose Protection and They Have Very Short Duration Particularly In the People That Matter." - Bill Gates
Mosquitos | "Hi, I'm Scott O'Neill & I'm At the World's Biggest Mosquito Factory for the (Bill Gates Funded) World Mosquito Program. We're Making In Here 30,000,000 Mosquitos PER WEEK!!!" + What's the Connection
Newsmax | Clay Clark Calls Out Bill Gates On Newsmax LIVE | “We shouldn’t be listening to people who spend time w/ pedophiles as it relates to our kids,” - Clay Clark (Newsmax 2020) + Great Reset Explained In 5 Min & 56 Seconds
Pastor Bill Cook | “What Will You Tell Jesus When You Stand Before Him And He Asks You How You Prepared Your Flock To Confront The Assault On Their Liberties?” - Pastor Bill Cook
Mayor Rudy Giuliani | "They Think It (Abortion) Is Murder, I'm Just OK With That." - Bill Maher + "What to Do With Billions of Useless Humans? What Do We Need So Many Humans For?" Yuval Harari