I Only Have $70 Left In My Bank Account, Hilda's Precious Letter To Me, Michelle Annette Rejoices That She Now Grasps The Righteous Hatred of Jesus and His Father, Milton Goes From Cat 4 Then Back To Cat 5, Ministry Update, T-Minus 4 Days Till Yom Ki
I Am Proven A True Prophet of Yah: Jesus HATES You America and Sent Hurricane Helene & Now Sends A Judgment Twice As Bad -- Hurricane Milton Cat 5 -- Because Jesus and His Father Hate Your Wicked trump, Jesus Hates Your Wicked Backslidings, Repent Ame
Daniel Lee, Why Are You Causing So Much Division And Strife Among The Brethren? Many Have Asked Me This Recently. AND NOW I AM GOING TO GIVE A FULL BIBLICAL ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION (Matthew 10, Psalm 73, 1st Corinthians 2, Revelation 22, Exodus 20)